kép-mítoszok: tükör és Vénusz

Vénusz-effektus: URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_effect

BERTAMINI, M., LATTO, R., & SPOONER, A. (2003). The Venus effect: people's understanding of mirror reflections in paintings Perception, 32 (5), 593-599 URL: http://www.perceptionweb.com/abstract.cgi?id=p3418

teljes szöveg: http://www.liv.ac.uk/vp/Publications/BertaminiLattoSpooner2003.pdf

Marco Bertamini

MUNGER, Dave: The Venus effect: What we see in the mirror isn't what would really be there, URL:


és http://www.theallineed.com/medicine/06012915.htm

képek: National Gallery of Art, Washington, URL: http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/search_www.cgi?q=venus&cmd=search