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rövid leírás:

MELCHIOR-BONNET, Sabine: The Mirror, A History, Routledge 2001

(fejezetei: Introduction 1 THE ORIGIN OF THE MIRROR 7 The Royal Glass and 35 From Luxury to Necessity 70 THE MAGIC OF RESEMBLANCE 99 The Triumph of Mimesis 133 Staring at the Self in Order to 156 TROUBLING 5TRANGENE55 184 Trickery 244 Conclusion 170)

PENDERGRAST, Mark: Mirror mirror: a history of the human love affair with reflection. Basic Books, New York, 2003. (ISBN 0-465-05470-6) (1. 2. Magic Visions 3.Fields of Light 4. The Rational Mirror) URL:

(ehhez: PENDERGRAST, Mark: Mirror mirror: A Historical and Psychological Overview, in The Book of the Mirror, ed Miranda Anderson, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, Newcastle, URL: